
Saturday, January 16, 2010

and his name is Haziq

he's always there for me to make me smile
he's always there for me to wipe out my tears
he's always there for me to calm my anger
he's always there for me to hear my lecture
he's always there for me through ups and downs
he never gives up on me
he never gives up on cheering me
he never gives up on pulling me up from the cliff 
he never gives up on loving me
he, is the greatest guy i've ever met
thank you for not being mad at me when im mad at you
thank you for holding my soul when im about to die
thank you for not stop calling my name when i refused to talk
thank you for always be there for me when im in pain or in the sweetest memory
thank you for accepting me as who i am when i wanted to change
and lastly
thank you for being my boyfriend.
i love you with all of my heart


thank you for dropping comments ;)